Questions and Some Background Tables, Maps
Retrieved May 13, 2024 at 2:52 p.m.
Hello Hayward!
I’ve produced some tables and maps that might be of interest in the ongoing process to develop city council districts for Hayward.
I’m looking forward to attending the meeting on May 14th.
Question #1: Has the City Council debated the option of creating five council districts and one “at-large” council member, similar to what’s in the City of Oakland?
Questions #2: Has the City Council debated the issue of acceptable error in the population differences between future council districts? I’m assuming the City will use the Census 2020 total of 162,954 persons, divided by 6 districts, equaling 27,159 persons for the “ideal” council district.
Attached documents:
1. The artist Jeanne Bertolina (2019) created a graphic showing the different neighborhoods of Hayward. I’ve got a print of this great graphic! It may serve as a good-hearted theme/image to this project.
2. I’ve created a map showing 18 neighborhoods of Hayward, based on the City’s official neighborhood districts, as adjusted to match the 2020 Census block boundaries. I then produced summary tabulations of the neighborhood population by race/ethnicity (see the following item.) Data matches the Census 2020 totals for the City of Hayward.
3. The PDF file “hayward_demographic_background_1.pdf” includes data from the US decennial census, the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, and voter registration statistics from the California Secretary of State. There are a lot of stories to be told with these tables, but I just ran out of time.
Feel free to share this information. If the City would like the background Excel and GIS files, I would be happy to provide.