COI For Districting

Retrieved May 28, 2024 at 1:56 p.m.

Districting Process
Community of Interest

My Community
Describe your community

Community Name:
Hayward Hills

Unique Shared Concerns:

Topographically this is some of the highest elevations in the city. So the weather is different here than the flat lands. This area occasionally experiences snow, hail, thick fog, high winds and freezing rain. Therefore road and driveway grades should consider these possible conditions.

Road egress is largely dependent on Hayward Boulevard and Fairview Road. Therefore the area is very sensitive to increase traffic during normal conditions and residents have expresses serious concern in emergency situations that could close access to either/both road or the road becomes clogged with excess traffic.

Wildland interface areas share a boundary with much of this area. Therefore wildfires, erosion and flooding are all situations of high concern. Some residents have reported insurance coverage issues due to these conditions.

Common Shared Concerns:

Maintaining Home Values is a concern since many of the homes were built less than 30 years ago. Therefore anything that might disrupt the appreciation trend would be viewed as adverse.

Security is a big concern. Since these communities are remote to rest of the city it appears that they get less patrols and poor response.

Maintain Diversity. It appears these areas are very diverse and peaceful and we want to continue to maintain this.

Boundary of Community of Interest

At a minimum it should include

Stone Brae
Bailey Ranch
Possible other communities
Other communities along the Hayward Boulevard needed to meet the size requirement for the district.